


這次,也是國泰,我也是一如以往,在飛機起飛前四十八小時較準時間用app check in兼選好座位。雖然,早在這四十八小時前,有其他更高貴的乘客早已可以選位,但我也希望在剩餘的選個坐得舒舒服服的。


這次趕到機場有點失預算,其他人剛好上機。我到的時候,遞上iPhone的boarding pass,空姐跟我說:先生你調左位。由於有點趕,我都來不及反應問點解,便上機了。位,調後了幾行。



We are sorry to learn of your experience with regard to the seat assignment on your recent flight with us.

Whilst every effort is made to ensure that our passengers are assigned their preferred seat, due to operational reasons at times fulfilling every request is a difficult challenge.

However, on such occasions, our staffs are expected to provide passengers with the relevant explanation and we apologise if you felt you were not being given appropriate information in this matter. You have my assurance that your comments have been drawn to the attention of our relevant department for their review and follow up with the staff concerned.
Thanks for your reply but it seems to other passenger's preference has been considered but mine was not, not to mention no one had asked if my rearranged seat was acceptable. Would you please advise the same?


We regret to learn of your continued disappointment.

We completely understand the disappointment in regard to the seat being changed, however our staff makes every effort in assigning our passengers with their pre booked seats. We do apologise for any inconvenience caused. We hope to have your kind understanding in this matter.

In view of the disappointment as a gesture of goodwill we would like to offer you 5000 Asia Miles, which will be credited to your membership account and this will be reflected on your next activity statement under the reference "goodwill".



